
My academic career started with a Bachelor of Science at the Technical University of Darmstadt. Since 2019, I am researching at the University of Cambridge where I study the joint space of immersive technologies and artificial intelligence. As of October 2022, I am a PhD student at the University of Cambridge’s Institute for Manufacturing (Department of Engineering), and part of and funded under the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council’s AgriFoRwArdS program1. In my PhD research, I study Digital Twins for Manufacturing Operations Management.


I strive to modernise manufacturing techniques for today’s resource-limited economy using digital twins. Specifically, I build virtual environments for manufacturing operations so that employees better understand the economic consequences of activities and actions. That means I approach plugging employees into their company’s economic bigger picture. By empowering people to understand the value chain of – for example – assembly lines, I want to enable workforces to leverage their full potential. To realise this, I apply knowledge from the joint space of human interaction, digital twins, and machine learning.


My research at the Institute for Manufacturing is unique in its focus on real cases and people. I co-founded a Learning Environment Optimisation R&D group that developed a platform to optimise Human-Computer Interaction experiments using Crowdsourcing. This platform enables my research group to experiment on a large scale with how employees can be empowered to build more knowledge, excel performance-wise, and discover new opportunities to improve manufacturing operations.



  1. Official EPSRC Reference: EP/S023917/1 []